Tuesday, March 20, 2012

College Kid Vent

  Alright lets talk for  a quick Second. If u don't remember I"m a student at a local college right ? OK thought so just wanted to make sure that i was getting the same things taught to you. ( no Trish this isn't at you). OK so since Friday of last week we have been learning the Foil Technique at school right for highlighting. So its the partial, my teacher says she doesn't use more then 25 foils cool. Me neither so check it, Yesterday was the first day we actually got up in the head and foiled the hair with cholesterol ( don't as why) but hey it was a learning point right, that's what i thought as well. So slicing and weaving, parting hair, foil over the comb, BAMMM!!, in the part and fold the hair over and slap some shit all up on the strands of hair. Easy right !! shit i think so too. Well i guess i was wrong, ( side note ) now don't get me wrong i love when someone asks me for help, makes me feel like I'm way better than everyone else cause i just get it right, i know that sounds horrible but you know what, I'm at school to learn and get my job training that i need, so i hang onto every word, and every technique i see done, why you ask Jay!! Because this is what i want with my life, i want to whip some color to gather slap it in someone head ( right way) and BAM hello beautiful and they walk away happy as a June bug. but this is the reason of the topic i guess is this, if the teacher just finished talking and demoing the weaving or the slicing or the triangle located at the back of the center vertical panel, and you have to ask me to come show you what she just showed the whole class, well i think you might need to pay closer attention don't you think so too!! But if you want to try something out on your own  a few times and still don't get it then by all means come and ask me or wave me down and I'll show you the way, the truth, and the light! 

  Here's an inside scope on the life of me! Everyone at school thinks that I'm an over achiever because of the fact that i have more hours in than people a month ahead of me. that i ask questions, and that i don't miss days at all. Ladies and Gents i have not missed but one hour of school the 8 months i have been going to school so yea, i like to check my hours, and have them wrote down ( again not at you Trish), that i know as of today at 4pm i had 888 hours, why people be hatting on me you ask i know you was thinking it, its because they jealous of my amazing dedication to learning this trade, were some if not most are only here at school to get a check or something I'm sure, Yeah some of them are good, and most well lets say this, bitch you ain't touching my hair, no way no how! HEY MISTER HONESTY, here i am!! reality is that you should have thought about what you really wanted to do before you signed that dotted line and was like sure i can do hair, i have done some in the kitchen, i followed the instructions on the box. How hard can Cosmetology be? Is what most of them where thinking!! Now this isn't just my class I'm talking about, this is the hole lot of them, i would say out of all the students at school minus the str8 men there i would let maybe like 10 get in my head and that's including those that are on the floor. Oh dear this was more than what i thought i was going to vent about, but i mean Damn people get your shit right! Now of course there are those that have really good reasons to not be there in class learning. IE, your dad, mother, brother, sister, daughter, or son those are great reasons, but anything else, nope don't cry to me when i blow past you and leave the school months ahead of you. and for those that are reading this from school, you all know what I'm talking about, if this doesn't reach out to you then its not you, but if it does well then by all means its meant for you.

 Oh another thing! NTHS ( nation technical honor society), I"m a very proud member of this organization. I wear a pin everyday, is it to show off, yeah little bit, but hey i worked hard to show that I'm dedicated, hard worker, a leader, and a great student with my grades. That's right 4.0 GPA! suck it. I"m proud of my grades and my hours, but let me say this if you think that just because you make the minimum hours and that you have a 3.7-4.0 GPA doesn't mean your cut out to be in the honor society there are other requirements that are needed to be recommended to join this great organization! Lord, god, Allah, Buddha. I"m just saying if you want something then you need to push yourself. oh me oh my. OK I'm done. 


Courtney Bennett none of this applies to you either!

These are the photos of my First Highlight done with actual bleach, done on a 90 degree cut

Sunday, March 18, 2012


So here we are its Sunday!!

NO i didn't go to church like most of the Mass. I"m sitting here just looking at some dogs and what not that are on Face book, there are some really cute dogs out there. We have our own. His name is Mason. but i was looking at all the dogs that are killed like every 9 seconds or something it was crazy and they are just so cute.

  So last night I gauged up the Hubby's ears, he is now down to a 0g, which by the way I'm very proud of him for getting there (Finally). Well since today is Sunday and the only thing i really have to do is laundry just like the normal people woot woot, see i told you all i was normal! other than that i just plan on sitting around, go for a walk or something, enjoy this nice day its like 74 degrees outside!

 So over the last few days i haven't really done anything on here and I'm sorry about that i' know all my VAST readers where wondering where i had gone to. hehehe. anyways point being is over the last few days i have finished my school work that is needed and also pasted both tests that we took this module with flying colors ( 100+) so yeah I'm feeling pretty good about myself. Now we are working on the actual mannequin heads, doing all over color, foiling techniques, weaving, block color, etc etc etc... but I'm really pumped about the hole thing, this is what i wanna do, this is my life's work, I'm training myself to be the best that i can be. ( sound familiar lol army national guard) anyways, just a crazy person going on about non since.

  Well off to change out my clothes and put some more dirty ones in the wash, and that's all i have i think.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

couldn't say it better!

Sorry CJ i had to steal it for todays post as i was just thinking about this and seen something from Fckh8.com

With great power, comes great responsiblity!

Welp...it's official!! I'm going to just come out and say it. I just need to throw this out in the open and let everyone know!! I know, I'm going to be throwing every fag and every dyke under the bus! I'm sorry guys, but I just have to let everyone know! It's been killing me, eating away at my inards, and giving me HORRIBLE gas!! But I just can't keep it a secret any longer!!! Not being able to tell someone, has been a huge burden upon my shoulders! Everytime I think of telling someone, I always hear Spider-Man's uncle, "With great power, comes great responsiblity!" I mean, I'm not saying I have super-human powers or anything...but when ordained into this secret-never-to-mentioned-club, you are sworn to secrecy! You are trusted with this huge secret! A secret soo huge...it could change the face of humanity...FOREVER!!! I don't even know if I can type it...that's how big it is!! But, thats why I'm here right? To tell you...THE STRAIGHT community! So, I guess I'll let it out. Here goes...are you ready for shock of your lives? It'll change the way you look things for the rest of your lives. I don't know if you'll be able to handle this. Your kids...your kids kids, your kids kids kids won't be able to handle this. No lie, your heart will stop when you read this!! Are you ready?

Here goes...

...wait for it...

...wait for it...

...wait for it...

...wait for it...

...BOO... Ha!! Sorry...had to make myself laugh before let the cat out of the bag! But here goes...

...every gay, lesbian, transexual, transgender, curious, confused person, CHOOSES TO BE THAT WAY!!! That's right everyone...WE CHOSE!!

We chose to be made fun of! We chose to beat up! We chose to have our parents hate us! We chose to be kicked out of ours homes! We chose to be persecuted and humiliated by ignorant DOUCHE BAGS! Yes...WE CHOSE this wonderful, amazing, lavish, filled with acceptance life!!!

Why, in God's name, would anyone, in their right mind, CHOOSE be gay? I've accepted it, and I am happy with the way I was BORN, but when I was younger, I hated myself and was jealous of eveyone else because they could be straigth!! I didn't understand why I couldn't be!! But, now that I'm older and I little bit wiser...I know why I couldn't be straight!!! Because...IT'S NOT A MATTER OF CHOISE!!

...just saying...


Paste this into your browser and see what some stupid people are saying. ( Facepalm )

(C) all rights go to CJ for this post. :D

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

In the life of a College Student

OK so sorry about yesterday i didn't post as some my have noticed. But i was asleep from 7pm-3am. don't ask.

So lets start of with a little bit of yesterday news shall we.

So after only being in Hair Color class for a week and two days we where given a written test. After the teacher has drilled us and drilled us to know the material, we still had people that didn't make 100's or more on it due to the wordage that they used. Now mind you the teacher totally told us how it had to be worded i.e... Deposits and lifts up to 1 level. there were other things on there that they didn't get right and were all this should be right and you knew what i was saying, blah blah blah.. anyways point is you should have know the material right ??? and i know that i'm sounding like a complete jerk, but its my blog and i can say what ever i want !! :P and if they read this and don't like it well tough poo! So never the less i scored of course a 105 ( extra credit) woot woot. so that really ended up making my day.

OK So now lets get into today! oh lord heaven on earth help us all.

so to start of as you all read in my post the other day we lost a friend and classmate at school. Well yesterday almost all of her class left school to go to the funeral. Nice thing to do show support, and be there for the family and the two sisters that go to school with me right. Well today things were almost back to normal i guess you could say. There weren't any tears that i saw, BUT there was something far worse than that! A hater! OK so I'm just going to refer to her as THE HAG. OK so here we go right. First off you don't talk about something that you have no business talking about if you don't know what the hell you talking about, am i right! So the hag today decided that she was going to make the comment to a friend that was good friends with Marci that ( the class needed to get over it already, its not like you were close to her anyways). Now tell me why in the hell the hag thought she had the right to even let those words come out her damn mouth. How rude! let alone the girl she said it to or in the general area was a good friend and she was lets say sent home for the day as not to most likely end up beating the hag to a pupil. Good job school.

Well it was flying around the school about it.. as you all know in college there is just as much drama as there is in middle and high school if not more.. so much for being grown men and women right! Well to top it all off they call all of us into the break room, to have a little good old chat. Talking about stupid stuff and how if you need to talk to someone or complain you have the proper channels to do so i.e. teacher, chair director, DOE, and then the Director. oh lord i was like are you joking!! I'm turning 26 this year I'm to grown and have been through way to much in my life to deal with this crap. Now the hag was so very very very wrong for what she said but i think the school should have just kicked her out for a few days for being a complete Moron. but hey I'm just a student not my school. but other than that nothing just sitting at home bored.

And in this boredom i thought about the fact that i don't have a person i call my best friend anymore... me being the awesome amazing jay, i created a application for best friend. only has like 6 questions on it but i think it would be fun to see what some of the people come up with! But I'm out of things to rant and rave about... and the husband just walked in from the shower... GOT to go :D


Monday, March 12, 2012

Horrible/Good Day

OK so first off.

 So a friend told me that i should just post my blog the way that i talk so i thought i would give it a go and see how it turns out.

So here we go!!

Yesterday i had talked about that a friend of mine from school was killed Saturday night Sunday morning. Marci leaves behind her 10 month out daughter, who will never get to know that she was a amazing, funny, witting, sexy, outstanding, and a person who would have had me run for my money when it comes to doing hair. Today at school there was close to a flood from all the tears that were shed at the lost of her, her two best friends go to school with me as well. Things where going great from the word on the vine, so that was a HUGE blow to my friend who was actually out with her the night she passed away. Her whole class was in tears, the were students everywhere crying all day.

 I was going to school today thinking that i was going to be the rock which everyone could come and cry on my shoulder and just weep. I held the Status as ( rock ) all day up till the last hour. They had went and got this black board in which they had people writing on it, saying the sweetest things. Well it was my turn come 1500 this afternoon, i went in and as i pondered what i was going to write to show my whit, and something that would make Marci if she were here smile and laugh at the thought. I wrote Smiles, and hugs, I'll take on the world. I started to get water in my eyes, i finished my writing and Haley ( best friend ) hugs me and tells me that Marci loved me dearly, and that they had many a conversations about starting a bet between Haley and Marci on which one would be able to turn me str8. At that moment i broke down. i couldn't handle it, ( I'm someone that loves to make other people laugh and smile, i try to make every ones day but doing something stupid, may it be hugs, humping ( Wednesday ), Tuesdays are Titties, and just the rest of the week is a blast with me as a school mate ), i didn't think that i made an impact on her not only for wanting to turn me str8 but she liked me and loved me for the craziness i bring to the table. Marci your going to be missed so much! i think of the next couple of months while I'm finishing school and not seeing your crazy, skinny, country ass, smiling when i try to get you on Wednesdays. I'm going to miss you a lot and wish you didn't have to go so soon in life. <3 I'll never forget you.

 Ah ( wipe tears ) and also the good part besides listening to the great things people had to say about Marci. I went and finally got my Septum done. you may have seen it on my Facebook. But that one was fake lol. But i went today and got it done after school. Let me say it was the most strange feeling ever in my life. I have had my nipples, tongue, ear multiple times, nose, lip ( different places ) but the septum is just weird. I love it already though. Can't wait for it to heal so i can get new jewelry !!!

 But i hear Naruto calling my name... DAMN you Terrance Jonathan Wesley Stewart for getting me into this Anime !!

 Below is the Wreath that her class put together for tonight's wake. Also a new photo of my new Piercing !!
                                                        SO So Pretty! it screams Marci

                                                                       LOVING IT!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Just a little bit

OK for those that like to actually stop by I'm sorry that i have  been missing.

   So some recap of the past week or so since i last posted something on here. Oh lord where to start. Well as you all seen in my last post it was getting close to the end of the module of "Skin Care", well that is now done and over with and guess what!! i got a passing grade of an A along with continuing my 4.0 GPA. Makes me happy.

 A few Saturdays ago, my husband and myself went out and walked a few miles for the American Heart Association to help raise money for the cure, along side us was a couple other people that are from the NTHS ( national technical honor society ), it was a lot of fun even though the day was cold and windy, we still had a great time doing it for the all the right reasons.

 Well the new module has started and the first week flew by in a snap. Hair coloring 101 as i call the class. Its taught by most likely the best colorist in all the LAND! i mean all the land she is amazing ( Crazy ) but she knows her stuff, the formulas, the different ways to color, weave, block off etc, etc, etc.. THIS is the class that i have been waiting for the whole time i have been in school. Hair color is where you make your money as a stylist. Hair color, highlighting, weaves, cuts, that's where you making that bacon at. Let me tell you something i can't wait to actually start up on that doll and get some practice in. When this module comes to a close i will be very sad, but I'll also be freaking happy as well due to i have one more module class before i hit the floor and that is nails (icky), but it does have to be done so I'll kick ass at that as well.

 I found out this morning that a good friend of mine was killed last night while driving home. She goes to school with me and my heart dropped out my foot when i heard that she was killed in a car accident. first person i thought of was her two best friends at school and called, didn't get an answer but she called back later and its so sad cause there is nothing i can do for her on this day, but tomorrow what am i able to bring her, is nothing but HUGS all day. my saying is that hugs make the world go round. I'll prove that tomorrow.

 But other than that just a few things that have been going on since the last post. I'll keep you all updated more so now.. i was just really being lazy and i was Stuck on an anime of Naruto, That's my excuses so hope you enjoy leave a message or something let me know what you be thinking!


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

No day But Today

       OK so today everything seemed Grand. At school today I was doing great as you can tell below, this is the hair that I highlighted. Watched Paranormal Activity in class as its the last week of class and there really isn't anything left to do with the Skin care module, as all the chapters are down and the workbooks turned in. Well I guess i should have stayed home after I was approached at school by one of the teachers that happen to hear about one of my blogs earlier this week about the teacher that doesn't do anything but sit there and talk talk talk talk talk, lets people sign in late and doesn't check there test. Well she couldn't tell me to take it down or what not so i said i would delete the photo just to be nice. :\

    Well after school went home thought it would be a great idea as to the order some pizza online and go to the store before to get the food. Well turns out i'm to stupid and didn't look over the order before hitting submit, as it was at the wrong store and i didn't even notice till i got to the store and was like hey i'm here for my pizza and they were like umm well we don't have it in our system, TURNS out that i'm stupid yet again and ordered it from a pizza hut up the road. ( face palm ) well i got a pizza anyways ( FREE ), well went home didn't think to look at the pizza that i just got figuring that i had placed the right order for the second time that night, oh how wrong i was. ( Face palm again )

After getting home to find the wrong pizza i call the pizza hut of the original order and ask if its still there and to find out if they will reheat it for me as i'll be there soon. They say yes i smoke a cigarette and jump in the car with the husband to go get this pizza. Well get there pay for the food and jump back in the car to head home, only to end up backing into the front of someone's car. OMG can this day get any worse i ask my husband, turns out i was wrong the police show up saying no Tickets will be issued as its a private parking lot. Praise be to Ala !!!!

So at the end of the night it turns out i do have something to write about today! woot go me! but the pizza is in my belly i'm feeling great !!! time to shower and watch some Anime!




Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Well here we are.

Ok so its has been a few days since i last posted something and here i am, but i have nothing really to talk about other than i'm watching this Anime called Naruto. Seems to be very interesting, there is some good points in the show but there really isn't the gore aspect of it. Which is ok as it is a "teen" anime.

What i have seen it has been good and my husband is glad to report that he is happy the i'm watching it now and getting into it. So that makes him happy at the end of the day.

But other than that all i can say is that this is the finial week of the this module and god only knows what is waiting for me at the start of next week. I"m hoping for Color Module but very well could end up on the floor or even in Nails. Regardless i'll be happy to get away from this teacher, and just pray she isn't the  teacher i have starting next week, i might have to let it slip on how bad of a teacher she really is and that the fact that she is letting people get hours when they aren't even in class... that alone just pulls my chain.

But what can one do right? ok so there thats something i guess its good enough. off to bed.!!


Friday, February 24, 2012

Good Day to you all
   Second post coming to you this evening. So I thought and thought about what I was going to write about today while I was laying in the bed last night, and as well as all day while I was in school. 

   Well it so happens that while at school it came to me. As I sat there in class ( Skin Care ) looking at the teacher who is in the picture below, whom does exactly what you see in the photo all day, everyday since this module started. Its been talked about among us students what we should do? Should we go and talk to the Campus Director, or the head of the Cosmetology teachers? Or the possibility that we need to just jump over all their heads and hit up the Corporate office and talk to someone there. As students don't we have the right to want to have a teacher that is going to actually teach us something? I'm talking about paying well over 10K to get the training that I need to become a qualified hairstylist, pass state board exams, and to have the foundation that I need to become an amazing Stylist that is known to a few people ( or more I hope).

   So what should I do? Where do I start to make things happen so that the next class or three classes from now don't have to deal with this kind of teacher/ing? Some days I just don't give a rip about it and just take my tests, cut some hair, learn about proper application of makeup to a females face and all the components that go with that, I taught myself how to wax before I came to the class but still didn't learn anything when it came to facials ( horrible ), She places a book next to the client ( student ) and is like "ok" there you go give a facial. We all look at her like a deer in the headlights look ( bah ), you want us to do what and you haven't even showed us what to do. But for the most part the majority of us are really bright and are able to figure things out on our own and we get to town. Using the proper Face cleaner, the right rotations of the muscles on the face ( as not to age someone quicker), Hot towels, moisturizer, clean up and sanitation of the equipment that is used.

So I guess what I'm saying is that at the end of this module I truly believe i will not have walked away with anything from her teaching us. From haircutting, hairstyling, chemical textures I have walked away at the end of the module knowing the foundation of that class. From 90 Degree's to a 45 degree haircut, to the wrist flick with a flat iron to get a feathered looked etc... Point being! Nothing is in my brain about this class. And I need to look out for myself first here, its high time I put me first above anyone and everything else. But with this rant I do feel better and I think I know what might have to be done. Lets start with her, then if nothing is working from there then we work our way up the ladder.  ~ Jay ~


Thursday, February 23, 2012


To everyone out there~
Welcome to the space that is will become something great I'm sure of it. I have watched many shows and read about many blogs that are out there. This blog is for the ranters, ravers, sweethearts to the buttheads that have anything on their minds.

I'm not a writer by any means but I would enjoy sharing and reading about other people out there! Seeing what they are up to, if they are sad or happy on the day they read this and future posts.

A special thanks goes out to my Husband for pushing me to finally get this out there and started. To get a good carrier off the ground you need your family, and friends, so here I am starting something new...hope you enjoy