Monday, March 12, 2012

Horrible/Good Day

OK so first off.

 So a friend told me that i should just post my blog the way that i talk so i thought i would give it a go and see how it turns out.

So here we go!!

Yesterday i had talked about that a friend of mine from school was killed Saturday night Sunday morning. Marci leaves behind her 10 month out daughter, who will never get to know that she was a amazing, funny, witting, sexy, outstanding, and a person who would have had me run for my money when it comes to doing hair. Today at school there was close to a flood from all the tears that were shed at the lost of her, her two best friends go to school with me as well. Things where going great from the word on the vine, so that was a HUGE blow to my friend who was actually out with her the night she passed away. Her whole class was in tears, the were students everywhere crying all day.

 I was going to school today thinking that i was going to be the rock which everyone could come and cry on my shoulder and just weep. I held the Status as ( rock ) all day up till the last hour. They had went and got this black board in which they had people writing on it, saying the sweetest things. Well it was my turn come 1500 this afternoon, i went in and as i pondered what i was going to write to show my whit, and something that would make Marci if she were here smile and laugh at the thought. I wrote Smiles, and hugs, I'll take on the world. I started to get water in my eyes, i finished my writing and Haley ( best friend ) hugs me and tells me that Marci loved me dearly, and that they had many a conversations about starting a bet between Haley and Marci on which one would be able to turn me str8. At that moment i broke down. i couldn't handle it, ( I'm someone that loves to make other people laugh and smile, i try to make every ones day but doing something stupid, may it be hugs, humping ( Wednesday ), Tuesdays are Titties, and just the rest of the week is a blast with me as a school mate ), i didn't think that i made an impact on her not only for wanting to turn me str8 but she liked me and loved me for the craziness i bring to the table. Marci your going to be missed so much! i think of the next couple of months while I'm finishing school and not seeing your crazy, skinny, country ass, smiling when i try to get you on Wednesdays. I'm going to miss you a lot and wish you didn't have to go so soon in life. <3 I'll never forget you.

 Ah ( wipe tears ) and also the good part besides listening to the great things people had to say about Marci. I went and finally got my Septum done. you may have seen it on my Facebook. But that one was fake lol. But i went today and got it done after school. Let me say it was the most strange feeling ever in my life. I have had my nipples, tongue, ear multiple times, nose, lip ( different places ) but the septum is just weird. I love it already though. Can't wait for it to heal so i can get new jewelry !!!

 But i hear Naruto calling my name... DAMN you Terrance Jonathan Wesley Stewart for getting me into this Anime !!

 Below is the Wreath that her class put together for tonight's wake. Also a new photo of my new Piercing !!
                                                        SO So Pretty! it screams Marci

                                                                       LOVING IT!

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