Thursday, March 15, 2012

couldn't say it better!

Sorry CJ i had to steal it for todays post as i was just thinking about this and seen something from

With great power, comes great responsiblity!'s official!! I'm going to just come out and say it. I just need to throw this out in the open and let everyone know!! I know, I'm going to be throwing every fag and every dyke under the bus! I'm sorry guys, but I just have to let everyone know! It's been killing me, eating away at my inards, and giving me HORRIBLE gas!! But I just can't keep it a secret any longer!!! Not being able to tell someone, has been a huge burden upon my shoulders! Everytime I think of telling someone, I always hear Spider-Man's uncle, "With great power, comes great responsiblity!" I mean, I'm not saying I have super-human powers or anything...but when ordained into this secret-never-to-mentioned-club, you are sworn to secrecy! You are trusted with this huge secret! A secret soo could change the face of humanity...FOREVER!!! I don't even know if I can type it...that's how big it is!! But, thats why I'm here right? To tell you...THE STRAIGHT community! So, I guess I'll let it out. Here goes...are you ready for shock of your lives? It'll change the way you look things for the rest of your lives. I don't know if you'll be able to handle this. Your kids...your kids kids, your kids kids kids won't be able to handle this. No lie, your heart will stop when you read this!! Are you ready?

Here goes...

...wait for it...

...wait for it...

...wait for it...

...wait for it...

...BOO... Ha!! Sorry...had to make myself laugh before let the cat out of the bag! But here goes...

...every gay, lesbian, transexual, transgender, curious, confused person, CHOOSES TO BE THAT WAY!!! That's right everyone...WE CHOSE!!

We chose to be made fun of! We chose to beat up! We chose to have our parents hate us! We chose to be kicked out of ours homes! We chose to be persecuted and humiliated by ignorant DOUCHE BAGS! Yes...WE CHOSE this wonderful, amazing, lavish, filled with acceptance life!!!

Why, in God's name, would anyone, in their right mind, CHOOSE be gay? I've accepted it, and I am happy with the way I was BORN, but when I was younger, I hated myself and was jealous of eveyone else because they could be straigth!! I didn't understand why I couldn't be!! But, now that I'm older and I little bit wiser...I know why I couldn't be straight!!! Because...IT'S NOT A MATTER OF CHOISE!!

...just saying...

Paste this into your browser and see what some stupid people are saying. ( Facepalm )

(C) all rights go to CJ for this post. :D

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