Sunday, February 1, 2015

Building Blocks and SFX!!

Its been  month since we last spoke, and a lot has happened in that very short amount of time. So lets start at the beginning!

Blush School of Makeup is been so much fun. I remember before starting that i wanted a clean slate, no
knowledge of the beauty industry other than hair of course. I wanted to head into school with no bad habits
that would need breaking, that way I can be modeled to the best of my ability by the amazing teachers that
teach there.

School starts at 9:00 on the dot, if your there or not. no matter the rhyme or reason. 9:00 the teach starts in on
what is known as Theory. Theory can be anything, from the anatomy of the human body, to the skin that keeps 
us safe. We take notes, we do worksheets. Everything you need to know about the ins and out I do suppose. 
I know that you need to know things about the head for Hairstyling. but I guess I never really thought about it 
with makeup. You just slap it on and call it good no?? Or so I thought anyways.

So then after for a few hours we break, which is only a 15 minute break. We are located in the finical district if
anyone doesn't know, and if you know that then you know there is a ton of different shops all around the area, but the question is do you risk going for something good? or just get a water and wait for your 30 minute lunch
(yes only 30 minutes). After the break, guess what time it is for!! you are right!! Core theory time!! this is
the basic building blocks that a makeup artist needs to know before embarking in the field if you ask me. 
As I would never have guessed in a  million years all this went into makeup (mind now blown).
  • Foundations
  • Concealer
  • corrective concealer (WHAT IS THIS)
  • Highlighting and contouring
  • to the basic's of eye primers, to regular primers, and then off to, making eyes, noses, lips and face all look
  •  Oval and almond eyes (wanted face shape and eye shape) my mind over the past month has just been blown away.

I had no earthly idea all this went into makeup. Then there is eye shadows, and the blending of all that
goodness right there. And making sure that they match on each side. You also want to know about Monocratic
color, analogous color and all this other color theory, that yet again! I had no idea all went into makeup. By week
 two I was like what the hell did I just get myself into. And then there were test every Friday and of course I'm
like are you joking me. I just started and you already and throwing me into the "test pit". Lord god I'm about to
fail this and then what. But needless to say a month is down, and the building blocks are now done. And they
were super important and I see why we as makeup artists need them. Just like those in hair, it is also needed
in the field of makeup. 

This coming month is the month that I have been waiting for since I signed up for the school. SFX (special effects)
 for those that might read this and not know what that is. Special effects is basically anything that isn't beauty.
From making one look like a deer, or putting a "vampire brow" on to completely changing your face to look like
 a horror monster straight from Lake Placid. The real kicker about this class is that one of my teachers 
(Julian Bonfiglio) this coming module is a real RockStar and knows his stuff! So to learn form him is going to be amazing. He is currently on the SYFY show Faceoff. How cool is that right? To have a teacher that is that good.
 I have followed the show since it premiered. Its an amazing show for anyone that is into SFX. You get to see 
how things are done, from the idea, all the way to modeling, casting, running it in foam, to application and of
 course painting it. It’s a super awesome show and I'm super excited to be able to pick at the brain of someone 
that has been on the show. And know I don’t know if he has won or how far he has gotten. Of course he is 
bound by law to not talk about it. ( but we all think he has gotten super far). SO I think that ends my first 
school blog. 

I’m thinking of things to do or write about. Even thought about doing a Vlog on Youtube dealing with
 beauty and etc. All comments are welcome, the good and the bad! if you have any ideas on how to make things 
better let me know!


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