Saturday, January 3, 2015

Lofting making and Body Aching

Today started off great! I was awake this morning around 8:30, which if anyone knows me knows that is a time that I don’t do since I haven’t been in school or working as of late. But this city I am telling you, it’s giving me life! And the gods know that I am always full of energy.
Around noon though, my delivery of lumber came. And I have been waiting for a few days to get this going, so I was able to start construction on our Loft bed. The good thing is I have a little experience in the area.
So with the construction of the loft bed and all that goodness that comes with working along side you husband. MMM let me tell you what. Could have been a lot worse but it wasn’t easy some of the time as well. But its ok this isn’t suppose to be easy right? Marriage is always a struggle no matter the years behind it.
The day is moving right along and things are starting to come together nicely. First the frame, then the studs, you know you need support as this is a state that does have earthquakes. Top to the legs.  Set  up right and set in place and now for the bracers.
After everything is swept up and bed is made. You look at the massive work of art you just created and step back and ahhh at it. You built it with your own hands (and husbands). We do make a pretty good team, him and I. I’m glad that I decided to keep him around for a while. He’s a really good fit I tell you.
So with the loft done and the latter on the side. Only a few more items are needed on the loft to make it complete. Tonight when I rest my aching, throbbing body atop it. I know I’ll fall asleep quiet easily and happy knowing that todays work was all worth the pain.


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