Wednesday, March 14, 2012

In the life of a College Student

OK so sorry about yesterday i didn't post as some my have noticed. But i was asleep from 7pm-3am. don't ask.

So lets start of with a little bit of yesterday news shall we.

So after only being in Hair Color class for a week and two days we where given a written test. After the teacher has drilled us and drilled us to know the material, we still had people that didn't make 100's or more on it due to the wordage that they used. Now mind you the teacher totally told us how it had to be worded i.e... Deposits and lifts up to 1 level. there were other things on there that they didn't get right and were all this should be right and you knew what i was saying, blah blah blah.. anyways point is you should have know the material right ??? and i know that i'm sounding like a complete jerk, but its my blog and i can say what ever i want !! :P and if they read this and don't like it well tough poo! So never the less i scored of course a 105 ( extra credit) woot woot. so that really ended up making my day.

OK So now lets get into today! oh lord heaven on earth help us all.

so to start of as you all read in my post the other day we lost a friend and classmate at school. Well yesterday almost all of her class left school to go to the funeral. Nice thing to do show support, and be there for the family and the two sisters that go to school with me right. Well today things were almost back to normal i guess you could say. There weren't any tears that i saw, BUT there was something far worse than that! A hater! OK so I'm just going to refer to her as THE HAG. OK so here we go right. First off you don't talk about something that you have no business talking about if you don't know what the hell you talking about, am i right! So the hag today decided that she was going to make the comment to a friend that was good friends with Marci that ( the class needed to get over it already, its not like you were close to her anyways). Now tell me why in the hell the hag thought she had the right to even let those words come out her damn mouth. How rude! let alone the girl she said it to or in the general area was a good friend and she was lets say sent home for the day as not to most likely end up beating the hag to a pupil. Good job school.

Well it was flying around the school about it.. as you all know in college there is just as much drama as there is in middle and high school if not more.. so much for being grown men and women right! Well to top it all off they call all of us into the break room, to have a little good old chat. Talking about stupid stuff and how if you need to talk to someone or complain you have the proper channels to do so i.e. teacher, chair director, DOE, and then the Director. oh lord i was like are you joking!! I'm turning 26 this year I'm to grown and have been through way to much in my life to deal with this crap. Now the hag was so very very very wrong for what she said but i think the school should have just kicked her out for a few days for being a complete Moron. but hey I'm just a student not my school. but other than that nothing just sitting at home bored.

And in this boredom i thought about the fact that i don't have a person i call my best friend anymore... me being the awesome amazing jay, i created a application for best friend. only has like 6 questions on it but i think it would be fun to see what some of the people come up with! But I'm out of things to rant and rave about... and the husband just walked in from the shower... GOT to go :D


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